Object with key-value pairs that you want X-Ray to index for search.
That is the time the segment was closed, in floating point seconds in epoch time.
Indicating that a client error occurred.
Indicating that a server error occurred.
Object with information about an outgoing HTTP call.
A 64-bit identifier for the segment, unique among segments in the same trace, in 16 hexadecimal digits.
That is set to true instead of specifying an end_time to record that a subsegment is started, but is not complete.
Object with any additional data that you want to store in the segment.
The logical name of the service that handled the request, up to 200 characters. For example, your application's name or domain name. Names can contain Unicode letters, numbers, and whitespace, and the following symbols: _, ., :, /, %, &, #, =, +, , -, @
Segment ID of the subsegment's parent segment. Required only if sending a subsegment separately.
Object with information about SQL call.
That is the time the segment was created, in floating point seconds in epoch time.
Indicating that a request was throttled.
A unique identifier that connects all segments and subsegments originating from a single client request. Trace ID Format
Required only if sending a subsegment separately.
A string that identifies the user who sent the request.
Segment Document.
Object follows AWS Documention